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What is chiropractic?


Chiropractic is a form of alternative medicine that is concerned with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mechanical disorders of the muscles, nerves, and skeletal systems, especially the spine. It is a drug free, non-surgical treatment option that is effective in treating many aches and pains in the joints, and is especially effective in the treatment of neck and low back pain.

How is it done...

and does it hurt?

Chiropractic literally translates as 'practiced by hand'. Your chiropractor will listen to your concerns and perform a musculoskeletal exam to determine exactly what is wrong and to determine a treatment plan. The treatment itself involves the doctor placing his/her hands on the patient, usually in the region of the concern, and providing a series of thrusts, or manipulations, to the area to remove restrictions and adhesions and restore movement and function to the area. Under normal circumstances the patient will lie on a specialized table and the doctor will move the patient into a position where he/she can have access to the body region to be worked on. Many chiropractors will also perform some manual work to help loosen tight and spasming muscles.

Under normal circumstances the manipulations should not hurt, quite the opposite, most patients feel immediate relief post treatment, but there are some exceptions. If you're entering the office with considerable pain, the 'set up' for the treatment may involve moving you through painful positions and the initial thrust from the manipulation may cause momentary discomfort.

How does it work?

When there is a mechanical dysfunction in the body it can affect a number of structures in its vicinity causing pain and discomfort. Through hands on manipulation a chiropractor restores the region to its proper working state and reduces pain. For example, if a rib has 'popped', or has slipped into a malposition, there is pain in the joint itself where the rib connects to the spine. The muscles in the region will be tight or in spasm and the resulting dysfunctions may put external pressures on nerves in the area, further increasing pain. By manipulating the rib back into its proper position the joint returns to normal function, the pain decreases, the muscles relax, and external pressures are removed from the surrounding structures.

What about risks and side effects?

Chiropractic is both safe and effective when performed by a board certified doctor but, as with anything else, there are risks. The possibility of fracture is more prominent in some patients than others. It is vital that patients suffering from cancer, severe osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, Paget's disease, or any neurological conditions share the information with their doctor. Post treatment some patients may experience some mild soreness in the manipulated region for a few hours. 

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